Monday, April 30, 2012

Monday, April 30th

Happy Pajama Day Cambie :)

I hope you all enjoyed a day back in school in your PJ's.

Looking closer at suspense stories and what techniques the author used, we read Edgar Allen Poe's The Tell-Tale Heart. After reading through this story, we highlighted the actions, speech and emotion of the story.
The video clip can be found here:

Homework:Right now, you should be working on your film trailer project. The final cuts are due FRIDAY MAY 4th.

Today, you received your Macbeth essays. The marks are out of 36, and there should be a percentage on your essays too. Look over them closely, paying special attention to the following weak areas:
  • plays = present tense. The characters are always alive on stage, so we discuss them and their actions in present tense
  • word choice = know what words you're using and for what purpose
  • think before you write = many of you write AS you think. Plan your work first, before you put pen to paper.

International Poetry:
Today, we looked at a way of analyzing poetry using the TPCASTT method. 
Homework: Finish a TPCASTT on Heaney's Midterm Break


1-4: Wednesday May 2nd
2-1: Tuesday, May 1st

The test will follow this format:
  • 10 matching questions - asking you to match character descriptions to names
  • 15 multiple choice - these questions are mostly concerned with plot
  • 10 identify the speaker questions
  • 10 short answer questions - there should be answered in full sentences. 
If you re-read your play, paying attention to the side notes, along with the handouts we have gone through in class, this test will be no problem.

See you all soon,
Ms. Johnson

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Thursday, April 26th

Hi everybody,

Today, we had a pop quiz on Chapters 1 - 10, using this as a chance to brush up on the plot and action of the novel so far. Some of you seemed a little unsure of your answers, and I received a few blank answer sheets. Maybe this weekend is your chance to catch up on your reading.
We also tried to graph out the plot so far. You all had very interesting and different ways of showing how a plot could be representing through some form of graph, chart or storyboard. Good job!
The film trailer project has now been given an extension of sorts. I am asking you to bring a rough cut of footage for Monday. I need to see something, so even if it's not finished, let's see how far you've come.


  • Finish your rough cut of your film trailer project for Monday. (The finished version should be ready to show the whole class on Friday)
  • Read Chapters 11 - 13, and catch up if you're missing out on other reading!

*MARKS HAVE BEEN POSTED* (you should all have received your blue scene presentation assessment back today)
Today, we looked at how poetry can be represented through rap, lyrics or def poetry. I want you to see how poetry can come from so many different sources and can touch subjects close to everyone.
You also received your Final Project Description - if you don't have one, you need to see me, so we can talk about this.


  • Find a poem from your home culture (translated into English), and bring this to class on Monday, as we are going to look at international poetry, and the themes that bind us together. 
  • Choose a theme/topic for your Final Project - think of something that touches you that you would want to write about. I will be asking you to come and tell me what this is.
Working still on the Ideas on Love and Marriage, we are now looking to revise over the play, and the attitudes contained within it. It is important that you have your homework finished for class. Your marks have been posted, and some of you will need to do a little more work get the higher marks. 
There will be a test next week for both classes, involving some quotation analysis as well as short answers to questions. I know that you can all do this test, and exceed expectations, but for this class, you will need to work hard to revise. That way, you will know what to expect. 

Have a great weekend everybody.
Ms. J

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Tuesday, April 24th

Happy Tuesday everyone!

Today we worked on your trailer projects some more, and I wanted you to delve more into character, and how the author creates the character through the use of actions, words and descriptive passage. It was good to see everyone working hard, and I was so happy to be able to collect your scripts to mark them.

Homework: Make sure you finish reading up until Chapter 10, because I can sense a pop quiz somewhere in the future.

Today's subject was "Gender in Poetry". How do poets write about men and women? Through our study of Marge Piercy's "Barbie Doll", and John Updike's "Youth in Progress", I hope you were able to note our new poetic terms: enjambment, and allusion. Remember to highlight these on your Literary Devices worksheet now that we're done.
To look at poetry in more depth, we are using the "Graffiti Method", which allows us to dig deeper into the poets intentions, as well as look at our own reactions.

Homework:  Finish graffiti-ing John Updike's "Youth in Progress", and finish the compare/contrast worksheet, showing the similarities and differences between the two poems.

Working on Ideas on Love and Marriage, was a great way to see how other poets and writers have interpreted this topics. We were then also treated to some of 10 Things I Hate About You, and were lucky enough to reach Heath Ledger singing :)

Homework: Make sure you finish the Love and Marriage worksheet questions 1 - 5 for next class.

See you all soon!
Ms. Johnson.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Friday, April 20th

Hi everybody,

Today was our day for script-writing, and moving on to the next stage of our film project. We had great fun, reading aloud a chapter and acting it out. Now it's time for you to put your talents behind the camera, and see what you can do.
Trailer Project Due: Monday, April 30th

Today, we had a fun start to our poetry unit with Sarah Kay's innovative TED talk, which can be found here:

We started making lists of: things I would tell my children, things I know to be true and things I should have learnt by know. I love reading your lists - they are full of great ideas.

We also began looking at literary devices in poetry, and their definitions. I look forward to delving further into poetry with you all.

We finished presenting and discussed the importance of Katherine's speech in Act V, scene ii. We are nearing the end of this unit, and it is important for you to look back on all we've studied and see how far we've come, and how much the characters have changed.

Have a great weekend!
Ms. J

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Storyboards, Essays and Presentations:

Hey everyone!

Today we started working on our Film Trailer Project. This project requires you to create a film trailer for our novel The Singing Stone by O.R. Melling. Your trailer should be 60 - 90 seconds long, but we will have time in class to work on each part.
In this class, we worked o our storyboard. You were asked in your groups of 4 to create a 6 frame storyboard, showing how your trailer will play out. Remember, we want to keep the audience in suspense, and leave some cliff-hangers.
Homework: You and your group should hand in a completed storyboard, with sound effects and descriptions. We will then move on to the next part of our trailer project.

Today was the big essay day. If you were absent, you need to come see me. Otherwise, good job everybody on the essay writing. We are now finished with Macbeth, and onto our new unit!!

Presentations: Some of you have no completed your presentations, which we will cover in later classes. For those of you who were not in class for your group's presentation, there may be issues with marking. Good job on Acts IV & V :)

See you all soon,
Ms. Johnson

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Letters, Planning & Debates:

Hi everybody.

We worked today on our letters and how to properly write a friendly letter, using the correct format. Those of you who did your homework would have found this a little easier, than those who came to class unprepared. It was also interesting to see some Irish names floating around.
Homework: EVERYONE should have an Irish name on Wednesday. Even if you can't find a direct translation, you should look for one that you like.

Today was busy for us, working on our planning for the Final Macbeth Essay. We finished a complete essay plan in class, and this will be ALL you can use for your essay writing.
People who missed class, you have A LOT to catch up on, so I need to see you, or you need to e-mail me. Otherwise, you risk failing on a major piece of writing.

Debates! You all presented great arguments, and seemed passionate when arguing about whether or not we should teach Shakespeare in schools. Look forward to more debates in the future, when we may discuss Taming of the Shrew, or other motions that you would like to talk about.

See you soon!
Ms. Johnson.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Stones, Reviews and Scenes...

Happy Thursday everyone!

Today, we worked a lot on the Tuath De Danaan, and the idea of quest. It's good to see most of you doing the homework reading, but some of you definitely have catching up to do. This weekend is a great chance to do just that.


  • Find out your name in Irish! Maybe there aren't direct translations for everyone, but the Internet is awash with all the names. You need to find your name along with it's spelling, pronunciation and spelling :)
  • Write a letter from Kay to Alan, detailing what has happened so far. We've read up to Chapter 5 together, so here's your chance to show off what you know. This letter needs to be one page, handwritten and double spaced. 

We've started our planning for our Final Essay, a five paragraph look at some deeper questions. We will continue planning on Monday, as I know you are eager to get this essay finished.

Homework: Over the weekend, I would like you to look for six quotes that you could use to back up your answer. Remember to reference properly.

I have now handed over the reins of teaching to you, and you broke into groups of 3 - 4, to start presenting a scene to the class. You have the handout with you, asking you to answer some questions about your given scene. Remember you also need to prepare a handout for the class to take away with them.
We will work more on this next class.

Have a great Friday, Cambie,
Ms. Johnson.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

An interesting day...

Welcome back after the long weekend, everyone!

We covered some myths in class; it was great to hear about the different cultures, and the meanings of the myths. How does our culture influence our identity?

We started looking at characterization, and provided a detailed idea of Kay Warrick.

Homework: Read chapters 4 & 5

Your posters and movie interpreations were really varied, and you put in a lot of work! Good job!

Again, with the presentations, you showed a great grasp on the play, and I was so happy to see the different ways you approached your scenes. Anyone who created a video, please send me the links.

It's time to step up to the plate with work - it needs to be handed in on the day due, and completed. The atmosphere is headed for a change, now that we're in Term 3.
We've been working on the deeper ideas of "taming the hawk", and how we can tame people in modern life. 

Homework: Finish Act IV (4)

See you all soon,
Ms. Johnson.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

a LOT of work...

Hi everybody,

A lot has happened since we've been back from Spring Break:


We started our new novel The Singing Stone by O.R. Melling, and for homework, you were asked to find a myth from your culture to bring to class.
I cannot wait to study this novel with you all, and it was nice having such a great first class.


On Monday, we had our big test. If you missed it, you need to make it up sometime, or face missing a mark in your book.

Wednesday was spent working on a new project, that has two parts:

  • Presentation: You and your group have been given a scene to work on and present to the class. You must cover the plot, quotes to note and significant ties to major themes.
  • Poster: Imagining that you could set Macbeth in any time and place, I asked you to create a poster, using magazine cutouts to illustrate your choices.
I will give you rubrics for both on Tuesday, so that you know what I am looking for when you present.


We have been working on foils, and the significance of Shakespeare's ideas on Elizabethan women. 
There has been a significant change in the classroom atmosphere, and I hope now that you know how prepared you need to be for each class.

Happy Easter everybody!
Ms. Johnson